Our Mission & Values

Mission Statement:

> To Create Happy Moments

> To Entertain

> To Inspire

Mission Statement:

> To Pioneer New Technology

> To Create Interactive Television

> To Work With Intelligent Machines

Our Values:


  1. Integrity
  2. Authenticity
  3. Gratitude
  4. Meritocracy & Excellence
  5. Efficiency
  6. Speed
  7. Paying Forward
  8. Smart, Hard Work
  9. Focus


We believe:


  1. Our audience is king
  2. In the power, ingenuity and creativity of people
  3. Every moment counts
  4. People are born beautiful and full of potential
  5. Everything that can be visualized can be realized
  6. Our 3Ds stand for the 3 steps of doing anything new: Dream it > Do it > Deliver it
  7. The power of information
  8. The opportunities of the “Transformation Age”
  9. Good ideas come from anywhere
  10. Better is bigger

